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Company Name: Bastian Solutions-intern

Position: Software Engineering - Intern

Location: Bangalore

Qualification: Bachelor / master’s degree in electrical / electronics & communication / computer / other engineering fields

Required Skills: Strong problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills. Experience with programming languages such as C++, Python. Proficiency with ROS/ROS2. Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment, and execute tasks in a timely manner. Experience with simulation tools such as Gazebo or Unity is a plus. Prior experience working on Linux OS (like Ubuntu) is a plus. Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Working as team player as well as a self motivated contributor is expected. Eagerness to learn new things & adapt to project needs is expected. English Proficiency: Excellent written and oral Communication is required. Expect internship to require candidate to 100% work from office/factory during critical testing phases of projects.

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